Amana Tool®

These assemblies are designed to cut tongue & groove joinery for solid wood paneling. Two patterns, a 1/4" bead (#55330) or a 45° 'V' (#55320), are available individually or as a set. Each assembly comprises a profile cutter, a rabbet cutter and a groove cutter, two different-size bearings, a 1/2" shank arbor, and a selection of washers, shims and spacers. Assemble the profile cutter, small bearing, and rabbet cutter as shown in the solid drawing to cut the tongue. To rout the groove, mount the groover and large bearing with the profiler, as shown in the ghosted drawing. The tool will work with stock from 1/2" through 1" thick.
SKU# A-55320

QT MIN STAIN RED MAHOGANY at House of Lumber Long Beach...

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