Amana Tool®

Our stile and rail sets give you two complete bits, one for doing the rail cuts, one for the stiles. Make cabinet doors and all varieties of frame-and-panel assemblies for furniture and architectural applications. These sets are offered in two configurations, one for working material up to 1" thick, the other for material between 5/8" and 7/8" in thickness. The same three profiles are available in either configuration.3/4" MaterialBits in this set have profile and groove or rabbet cutters and ball-bearing guide mounted on a 1/2" shank. Respacing of the components should only be necessary – using the provided shims – after the cutters have been resharpened. Use in a table-mounted router. Guide straight cuts with the fence; use the pilot bearing only for cuts on curved rails or stiles.
SKU# A-55421

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As a tenant, it’s crucial to understand your rights when it comes to harassment and negligent landlords. While the specifics can vary depending on your location and the terms of your lease, there are general principles that apply in most situations. If you’re dealing with harassment from another tenant and your landlord is unresponsive, you ... Read more...

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